

Pharyngitis, rhinitis, cavities, snoring, nasal polyposis

despitefully The YAG laser is a solid-state laser made of crystalline used for photocoagulation of tissues and mucosa vaporization. It has a deep action. As it is the only laser to be guided by an optical fiber through an endoscope, the YAG laser accesses directly, under visual control, the areas to be treated.

eurochallenge rencontre femme asiatique The ambulatory treatment is composed of an average of 4 sessions, three weeks apart. Each session lasts about 15 minutes, preceded by a local contact anesthetic made by spray.

Hsinchu After the session, the patient can resume normal activities the same day.


Pharyngitis include chronic angina, tonsillitis with secretion of white casein; inflammatory tissue residuesafter surgery.
Chronic pharyngitis lesions are responsible for the burning sensation in the throat with a feeling of foreign body, a particular sensitivity to temperature changes, bad breath, or persistent fatigue.

The laser allows, without surgery, a sterilization and fibrosis of the tonsils or of surrounding tissues which eliminates the mucositis and the risk of infection.


Snoring occurs when air encounters an obstacle during its passage through the upper airway; the hypotonic soft palate vibrates on the narrow pharynx. Snoring is often increased by nasal obstruction.
Snoring can be just an inconvenience to those around us or it can be a real disease called ronchopathy, with a lower blood oxygen level, responsible for problems on awakening, morning headaches and daytime fatigue.

Snoring can be treated by laser photocoagulation of the nasal cavities and the soft palate.


Rhinitis combine sneezes with repetition with a stuffy and runny nose. The symptoms are caused by the congestion of richly vascularized mucosa reliefs (aka turbinates). The entire nasal cavity can only be treated by YAG laseras its flexible optic fiber allows an easy access to lesions, and its deep action on specific vessels of the mucosa is optimal.
The nose hyper-reactivity is thus treated for the long-term.

Nasopharynx inflammations

Sometimes associated with rhinitis, inflammations of the nasopharynx (back of the nasal cavity and throat, particularly rich in mucous glands and lymphoid tissue, sometimes forming cysts or vegetation) are responsible for irritations, post-nasal drip, throat clearing or dry cough.
Moreover, inflammatory lesions of the nasopharynx contribute to the development of serous otitis with sensation of deafness, ear pressure, and resonance.

A laser treatment of the nasopharyngeal mucosa drains the discharge and eliminates the symptoms.

Nasal polyposis

Polyps are sac-like growths of inflamed sinus mucosa that can block the sinuses or the nasal airways as well as cause nasal secretions, headaches, and recurrent colds. Polyposis are frequently associated with asthma. Sinusitis caused by frequent superinfectionscan be difficult to eradicate by medical treatment.
The laser does not replace surgery when indicated, but frees the nasal cavities, lowers doses of corticosteroids and reduces recurrence.